Contra: Operation Galuga - Launch

Intheyear2077,anotoriousterroristorganizationcalledtheRedFalconappearedonanislandinSouthAmerica.Topreventthisthreat, ...,本作完全重製1980年代上市獲得廣大支持的初代「魂斗羅」。強化的武器系統、新的遊戲機制、還有新登場的敵人和關卡等等,升級為符合現...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Metal Contras: Soldiers Squad

In the year 2077, a notorious terrorist organization called the Red Falcon appeared on an island in South America. To prevent this threat, ...


本作完全重製1980年代上市獲得廣大支持的初代「魂斗羅」。 強化的武器系統、新的遊戲機制、還有新登場的敵人和關卡等等,升級為符合現代水準的遊戲體驗。

Contra: Operation Galuga

AN EXPLOSIVE ARSENAL. Contra's trademark power-ups return, along with new alt versions of each weapon! Stack power-ups for even more firepower!


產品詳細資訊 · 製造商停產: 否 · 產品尺寸: 20.32 x 2.54 x 30.48 厘米; 90.72 公克 · 首度推出日: 六月6, 2005 · 製造商: Konami · ASIN: B0009VRFFS · 平均客戶評論: ...


This reimagining of the classic run-'n'-gun action game from the '80s features new stages, new enemies, new play mechanics, and co-op combat for up to 4 players ...

Contra (NES)

Contra, known as Probotector and occasionally Gryzor in Europe and Oceania, is a 1987 run and gun action game developed and published by Konami

Contra (video game)

Contra is a run and gun video game developed and published by Konami, originally developed as a coin-operated arcade video game in 1986 and released on February ...


Contra: Operation Galuga is a thorough reimagining of the classic run-'n'-gun action game from the '80s, featuring modern graphics and sound.

Contra (series)

Contra is a video game series produced by Konami composed primarily of run and gun-style shooting games. The series debuted in February 1987 with the ...


Intheyear2077,anotoriousterroristorganizationcalledtheRedFalconappearedonanislandinSouthAmerica.Topreventthisthreat, ...,本作完全重製1980年代上市獲得廣大支持的初代「魂斗羅」。強化的武器系統、新的遊戲機制、還有新登場的敵人和關卡等等,升級為符合現代水準的遊戲體驗。,ANEXPLOSIVEARSENAL.Contra'strademarkpower-upsreturn,alongwithnewaltversionsofeachweapon!Stackpower-upsforevenmorefirepower!,產品詳細...
